Productive Rage
I have respect for people who have hit bottom and managed to resurface, for those who have opted out of the mainstream and fought for their beliefs, but if I meet one more goddam smiley happy soul-searcher out here, I will stomp them with my steel-toed boots. Don't tell me you can "help" me, because all rage is A Bad Thing and everyone should court contentment and a balanced spiritual path and seek moderation in all things. You can shove your chakras up your yoga-toned hippie ass. If you are not enraged by the everyday injustices, you're breathing sand, Ostrich Boy. If you tune out the religious hypocrises and political abuses today but tsk-tsk at me because I can't find my Zen or Tao or Jesusness or whatever you've been spoonfed, then I will muster up my best teacher poker-face and nod at you until you leave me the hell alone. Then I will blog your benightedness and drink to your stupidity. Either way, I win.
I am stable enough to not manifest my rage in drug abuse or the denigration of those weaker than I. I'm not going to torture kittens or beat my husband when I feel that gnashing inside. Yeah, I'll rant on this forum, but I'll also get shit done. The more physically demanding art forms are great for that, but you can also write & make a difference, you can just intensify how you work, or you can simply go running if that's your thing. (I personally run at gunpoint. My Bitter Half is the gazelle; I am more of an armadillo.)
Why, then, do the "enlightened" ones try to talk me out of my motivation? I have been around a little, folks; I have tried your yoga and your Jesus and your drugs and most recently, your role as a Good Citizen. I have mutilated my flesh, harmed my brain, taken out my guilt and pain on my physical being countless times; I know what isn't good for me.
Rage works for me; I am not consumed by it; rather, I partake of it when I recognize the need, process it, and shape it to my will. It takes time, and a little finessing, but it beats pretending I'm something I'm not. Esse quam Videri. Look it up.
I am stable enough to not manifest my rage in drug abuse or the denigration of those weaker than I. I'm not going to torture kittens or beat my husband when I feel that gnashing inside. Yeah, I'll rant on this forum, but I'll also get shit done. The more physically demanding art forms are great for that, but you can also write & make a difference, you can just intensify how you work, or you can simply go running if that's your thing. (I personally run at gunpoint. My Bitter Half is the gazelle; I am more of an armadillo.)
Why, then, do the "enlightened" ones try to talk me out of my motivation? I have been around a little, folks; I have tried your yoga and your Jesus and your drugs and most recently, your role as a Good Citizen. I have mutilated my flesh, harmed my brain, taken out my guilt and pain on my physical being countless times; I know what isn't good for me.
Rage works for me; I am not consumed by it; rather, I partake of it when I recognize the need, process it, and shape it to my will. It takes time, and a little finessing, but it beats pretending I'm something I'm not. Esse quam Videri. Look it up.
4 Rants:
Not sure who got at you. but I have had similar exchanges with the same person - that or one of her clones. Makes it worse doesn't it, knowing about the clones?
Actually, the "her" was a him, but o yes, the clones are frightening.
WOW!!! "Sister Morphine", what a load 'o' shit!!!! Is this some kinda alter- ego crap or what? Do you really believe this nonsense u write or are you so bored that you have nothing else better to do. Hello! Time to wake-up and come to your senses. You like to talk about the cultural wasteland u grew-up in but where are u now... moved 2500 miles to the middle of nowhere! Hello!!! It's too bad your married to someone who cultivates this attitude, then again.......I guess the whole world is screwed-up... just not you, HUH????????
Hey, doll baby, it's MORPHEME. Look it up. It's a play on words, or should I speak slower: I T' S A P L A Y O N
W O R D S.
I never said I wasn't screwed up; I have just figured out a system that works for me in the situation I'm forced to experience.
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