Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Escalating Violence

Last week the 5th & 6th graders went up to the middle school for some transitional happy-time or some such crap. (As of next year the middle school includes 6th grade.) Anticipating an audience, this obnoxious big bully (literally--this kid's probably 5'8", 200 lbs.) picked a fight with an unassuming, mild-mannered teacher to make a scene to impress the up-and-comers. You read right: an eighth-grader got in the face of a TEACHER, knowing full well that a.) the guy legally couldn't lay a hand on him, b.) the teacher was new and probably would be stunned just long enough to lose the upper hand, and c.) the guy's a wet dishrag, just entirely too nice to deal with these felons-in-training.

Of course, the thuglet got suspended. Now he's a hero. The boy's 5th-grade brother missed the incident because he was not permitted to go because of violence-based disciplinary problems. His mother bitched and moaned that her little darling couldn't go and threatened to pull him out and home school him. (This is a common threat here.) If, only if. Little Brother decided to make a name for himself nonetheless by starting a fight at the elementary school.

This behavior mimics the brushfires of this region. This morning, another 5th grader picked a fight with a 6th grade boy and my Bitter Half had to get in between them. Turns out the 5th grader was making fun of the other boy for not having a father.
The boy's father was dead.
What the hell is wrong with these kids? I'm glad I filter my water. I mean it. Something here is poisonous. I sent my sixth grade art elective kids back to class because they were being so unbelievably rude. My administrator happened to be in the room working on our art exhibit for the big show this weekend when they started in with some snaps-- you know, the "your momma" jokes. They're not bright enough to make up their own, but about four boys started going back & forth with it. I was so tired of reprimanding them that I hesistated. My administrator is one of those calm, centered, benefit-of-the-doubt people, so she caught us all off guard when she blew up at them. I felt like I had not defused the situtation soon enough, and betrayed that they would be so flippant about something so offensive.

My initial instinct that it was appropriated material was correct. Evidently there's a television show called something original like "Your Momma". Where's the stewardship in that? What jackass decided to make a buck off of that winner? Don't get me wrong-- I understand that in some cultures, it's a game--playing the dozens. To hear these kids misappropriate it and get into fisticuffs over it disassociates it from any cultural benefit. In short--it's not theirs to use, and they misuse it anyway.

F*ck this abuse. I'll give it back.

1 Rants:

Blogger Vanessa Vaile ranted...

Homeschooling in New Mexico, a whole 'nother area of botched education.

Unlike many other sites, NM requires NO oversight of homeschooling. Just declare & do. Nevermind if you are a subliterate parent. Makes public school ed system & burnt-out mediocre teachers look good by comparison.

9:46 AM  

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