Monday, July 17, 2006

the fun never stops

I spent two weeks in my hometown recently, which was just enough time to make me realize how astoundingly warped my current sitch is. I received this forward from my friend with the sense to leave the profession promptly. It seems some of her former students tracked her down on MySpace and sent this lovely message:
ur a bitch and i knew u would punk out but why the fuck did you get (another teacher) to quit????hu ???? and(other teacher) wazz better teach because she dint punk out on her 1st year no mattr how bad she wantd 2 fuck her man or go bac 2 skool. but itz fine cause im not going 2 skool in (this town) ne more and i hav ur playn cards, i dint take em (student) did but a week l8ter i stole em fr: (student) i hate u and i hope ur horny
ass will rott in hell "Must be this tall to ride." wat the hell u got a boyfriend...and i learnd something fr u..... dont bacstabb peers or people who try to b ur friend and .... not to b like u , u no give ^ . datz not me and just b cause u wer my teach dont mean u no who i really am . and i cant say dat i no u cause whos fault iz dat????hu., urzbut hav a great life hav kids,nevermind about the kids, you might giv ^ on them 2. and im not da only 1 who sayz dis, all of dis but we r da only 1's who aint afraid of u so if u do bcome a teach again den get rid of ur myspace account or blockit ooohhhh and why did we work on the "why the internet isnt safe." myspace accounts, they blocked, but u had 1 and u wer a teach. oh and you smoke and drink. well i smok and drink but im not gonna b come a teacher!!!!
well like i said have a great life have fun and dont make ur my space account seem so desperate to get attention. u sound like a whore. no affence but i dont think it soundz so great 4 being a teacher-k-.
Her reply? "I guess those grammar lessons didn't help much." It was signed by three of her eighth-grade girls who are destined to become baby factories before the age of twenty.

I took a few things away from the essay: 1.) Teachers must live Highly Moral lives and not indulge in the legal activities of drinking, smoking, or blogging. 2.) Grammar is not valued by anyone under the age of sixteen. 3.) Moral outrage is the perogative of the morally deficient.

3 Rants:

Blogger Vanessa Vaile ranted...

I've been talking with district about working on some sort of writing program. I can see I have my work cut out if if comes through.

Oddly, however, there are occasional dissonances - phrasings that don't fit with the rest because they are coherent and even well put. I suspect at least some of the bad talk is girls playing gangsta because it's cooler than being, say, intelligent, for example.

Wannabe gangsta gal has a point - MySpace is a dumb place for a teacher to rant about the biz - especially if she left enough clues in profile to be found by a local teen. We're not talking trained MI5 or CIA operative here.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Sarah ranted...

I totally agree, but refuse to delete or hide my profile. Instead I'll just leave the biz.

Btw, the elementary school has 6 Traits in place and if used correctly it works quite well. It hasn't, however, been implemented at the middle and high school levels, yet. It seems logical to just start there.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Sister Morpheme ranted...

Yes, but if you want to warn up-and-coming teachers about what they're getting into, a public forum like MySpace is what you're looking for. Besides--that blatant hypocrisy that feeds into a corrupt society is what we're trying to circumvent, no?

And we're talking about the difference between adults (21+) and adolescents (16-). A lot happens in those years, physiologically and otherwise, to give us the tools we need to get through life.This girl was just looking for a scapegoat. There's a HUGE difference between being a college-educated, goal-oriented young adult who makes informed choices and being an obviously undersupervised 14-year-old with a chip on her shoulder who drinks, smokes, and whatnot because she *can*. In my day, we were self-conscious enough to be concerned about being judged because we were young; we didn't feel the god-given right to judge adult behavior, because we knew that they were ADULTS, with adult privilege and experience to match. This is not an antiquated notion; there are many arenas in which young people are emotionally, physically, and socially inequipped to cope. They MUST be able to see that there is a difference between adulthood and the murk that is adolescence.

10:26 AM  

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