Monday, June 19, 2006


Or, in teacher parlance, modifications.

They're the accomodations one makes in order to best serve individual students. They are created based on a series of meetings between teachers, administrators, parents, and when appropriate, the students themselves. Without them, you're flying blind with a 'special needs' student of any variety.

I have no lists of such accomodations. One of my students has an aide (a big red flag--you have to have some Major Issues to get an aide); I am finding out through the grapevine that she has attempted to hurt herself and others. As we regularly use hot glue guns, x-acto knives, and shears in class, I would really like to know if this is copacetic--or if I am sitting on a lawsuit.

I find this frustrating. Check that--I am enraged. This is not some condescending little bitch-slap because I am 'merely' an art teacher. The aide has not even been informed of this girl's story. If anything were to happen...I can't even imagine it. No union. I'd be axed in a heartbeat. What recourse do I have? (Note: That's rhetorical.)

To the girl's credit, she has informed us in no uncertain terms when something makes her uncomfortable. For two straight classes now, she has asked to be removed from the company of others to work one-on-one with her aide. The sociopath I work with has stopped by to drop evil glances my way. As a result, I was called in by my real administrator to find out what the 'problem' is. It seems the sociopath (who has NO certifications, pedagogy, or knowledge of educational practices) feels I am simply dumping a problem student on the aide. What the fuck. I have modified my lessons, bent over backwards, and permitted my class to become a dumping ground for kids who simply have nowhere else to go. I was told that I need to keep her with the rest of the class, but not to let her get upset. Does anyone else see a potential problem here, or am I just cranky because I started lifting today?

1 Rants:

Blogger Vanessa Vaile ranted...

No one told me dip either about the thuglets in my computer-cum-plzwrite2sentences class. But then again, I used to break rank horses for a living, handle Brahma bulls, teach GED classes with lads only there because their P.O. made them... be married to a Nam vet sociopath with PTSD.

As for culpability, I think an argument could be made for the district fostering (knowingly or not) an unsafe workplace. Oh yes... and a psych eval of the sociopath too. With all the crap going on, the district teachers (if they had the guts and spines to organize) need a union.

3:41 PM  

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